Saturday, October 04, 2008

Cool Halloween Stuff No. 3

Vampire Teeth
Vampire Teeth at
From the folks who brought you Billy Bob Teeth, these vampire teeth Are designed to sit right over your existing teeth.

Billy Bob Teeth are super realistic teeth made with the same acrylics used in making dentures.

Designed by a dentist.

One size fits all adults. HOW? Our teeth are held in place with putty you install yourself for a custom fit. This allows you to talk and fool anyone.
Not only do they have teeth, but styling headpieces as well. Check out the selections of mullets! Business in front, party in the back!

While you can find a lot of this stuff in stores, you can also order direct, so you can choose just the freaky teeth you need!

Other Previous Cool Halloween Stuff:

Cool Halloween Stuff No. 2

Coffin Couches

Coffin Couches

This is as Halloween as it gets...

We at have the mindset of thinking "Green" and we know it is different but we strongly believe in recycling. Our niche happens to be 18 gauge steel coffins which we collected from local funeral homes primarily in Southern California. It is a health and safety law that funeral homes cannot resell used coffins to the general public. We approached funeral directors with the attitude of recycling. These coffins are not used for burial due to slight cosmetic inconsistencies. They are reconfigured and modified resulting in a finished product - a unique one a kind coffin couch. If you notice (although it may be too small) the six cast iron heavy duty legs are embossed with the universal biohazard insignia. The reason we utilize this sign is because safety is our utmost concern. If you are not aware, once a human body is placed in a coffin it is considered biohazard tissue. The legs have the embossed insignia for precautionary reasons in the event body fluids are exchanged on these coffins. Perhaps you would feel safe knowing that you are in designated biohazard scene!

These things aren't cheap. At about $3,500 a pop, you need some serious cash to grab one of these. But if you're looking for a real Halloween look, it's hard to knock furniture made from coffins...

Other Previous Cool Halloween Stuff:

Cool Halloween Stuff #1

Pope Alexander's Poison Casket Ring at Alchemyy GothicIn a former life, I used to source new products for an online and mail order cataloger. One of the more fun parts of the year was in the early spring, when the new Halloween stuff would come out.

I decided that this year, I would post some of the stuff I found, and let folks see some of the great Halloween stuff that is available.

The first place to look is Alchemy Gothic, a manufacturer and wholesaler of pewter, alternative fashion jewelry, pewter giftware and genre-defining designer lifestyle products".

If you're into some interesting Halloween wear, you might want to check out their website. You'll find stuff like bat earrings, pewter goblets, and rings like the one here, which has a secret compartment. It doesn't appear they sell direct to the public, but they do have a search function so you can find a reseller near you.

Other Previous Cool Halloween Stuff: