DJMick has a collection of 100 pictures of brides in either strange attire, or pictures that are just plain wrong. For example, there's the picture of the bride with an out-of-focus groom zipping his fly in the background. Or the shot of the bridal party taking a ride in the bucket of a skip-loader. Or these two at left.
Hi Leo, can you please respond to my follow request that I sent you on Twitter. I'd like to send you a DM but can't unless you're following me back. Thanks GH
Hi Leo, I haven't heard back from you. Can you please delete the Tweet that you RT'd me on. I don't know how you were able to see my tweet as that was a private DM that I sent to a friend in PeopleBrowsr. You can retweet it again if you like, but please remove my name. GH
GH -
Not sure which tweet you're speaking of, but I have not seen a follow request (I am not blocked), and I don't know how I could have possibly seen a DM between you and someone else. I'll need more info to look into it. Thanks!
Hi Leo, you retweeted me on the first tweet you sent at 4:21 on Jun 17th/09. Please delete it and repost it without my name if you would like to. I sent it as a private msg to a friend and am not sure how you were able to read it. thx. GH
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